Monday, September 26, 2016

Career Plans for each Semester

Besides growing and strengthening a Business Alliance at each of the Middle Schools that I serve, (and if you know of strong businesses in our community that may want to support our school, with time or resources or BOTH... please refer them to me and I will follow up with our Brochure and invitation to tour and talk about how we can make this happen!)  I will be going into classrooms to help students sign up for an account with first they need a school email account, and be able to access it with their password.  Then we will spend time doing a Career Assessment, to narrow down their top 3 Career Interests.

Next semester we plan to have a Career Fair, so that our students can visit and listen to a volunteer (from their top 3 career interests) who will speak about their career, how they got there, maybe what they were like in middle school, how they had to begin taking Reading, Writing, and Math seriously, why they chose their career, some of the pros and cons of that career, etc.  Then Q & A to wrap up.
As a follow up, they will fill out a short Survey to assess the Career Fair and what they gained from it.  Teachers may ask them to write a reflection of their experience in class, or possibly present a project about their top career choice or top 3 choices.

Also Click on my website above, go to Student & Parent Resources and Explore some more!

If you have any questions, please let me know at :)

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